Studio & Gallery
Thank you for visiting my website. In addition to seeing my work on line I would like to invite you to visit my photo workspace in Bowdoinham, Maine some 40 miles north of Portland. Bowdoinham is located in the scenic Midcoast Maine area noted for its rugged shoreline. If you are not familiar with the state there are ample reasons why it is called "Vacationland". It is awonderful place to visit, to explore and to live. It also offers a wealth of photographic potential.
In my opinion there is no substitute for viewing actual prints up close and personal in daylight in lieu of virtual images on a computer screen. What you see on the screen gives you a good idea of the general composition but fails to reveal the final image quality and many image subleties. Color renderings on your computer screen can and often does vary from the final print which is why color management can be difficult.
My workspace has a small display area and I have many images of my portfolio on hand available for viewing. This is a private workspace and viewing is available by appointment only. Please call or e-mail ahead to confirm a time. I really enjoy meeting people interested in fine art photography and would look forward to showing my work to you.
You can email me via CONTACT below or at the mailing address or phone number listed.
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